Soft Play Study

In 2023 a small group of Portree residents started working with the PBCT to look more closely at the demand for a soft play in the area.

With assistance from the business support agency Just Enterprise an online survey was created to help with this research. Open to both the Portree and the wider South Skye area, the survey ran from 9th January 2024 – 6th February 2024 and attracted 245 responses. The idea attracted high levels of support and the key findings are set out in the final report in the downloads section below.

What happens now? 

The report demonstrates a clear demand for a local soft play facility. The next step is to identify suitable premisses’ and assess if a community-owned soft play facility would be a financially viable enterprise. If found to be viable this is likely to be a long-term project due to one of the key considerations being finding a suitable premises. If you would like more information or to be involved in moving this project forward please get in touch. 

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