Portree Community Allotments

Portree Community Allotments are a community project consisting of 28 plots and 4 raised beds, with communal areas for composting and recreation.

How did the allotments come about?

Many residents will remember the progress made previously, almost a decade ago, with the proposed allotments project in Portree. Detailed plans were produced, works were costed and initial ground preparation works were carried out before legal complexities stalled the land transfer to the community indefinitely.

The hard work and dedication of the volunteers previously involved was not wasted however. A newly formed group, with the support of local Councillors, original group members, The Scottish Land Fund and the Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association revisited this project and were eventually able to transfer the area of ground at Home Farm to PBCT for community use. 

Volunteers worked hard fundraising, planning and working together to overcome the many challenges that are involved in starting a community allotment project. Almost £20,000 was raised through the support of local businesses, charities, the local authority, residents and other supporters. The Trust are grateful to The Pebble Trust, Organic Sea Harvest, MOWI, William Wilsons, Muirhall Energy, Howdens, Mears, Jans and the Highland Council for supporting this project as well as all of the individuals who have either carried out fundraising on behalf of the project or helped in other ways with their professional services.

With funding from the Scottish Land Fund, a new Project Officer Alec McLeod was put in post in June 2022 to assist the development of the site. In 2023, the Community Regeneration Fund awarded over £64,000 towards the further development of the allotments, enabling us to provide a wider variety of community events.

Want to get involved?

If you are interested in an allotment (either full size, half size or even a quarter size), then please contact us get your name on the list – first come, first served.

If you are interested in joining the allotments committee, get in touch. 

Contact email: allotments@portreeandbraes.org

Thank you again to everyone who is supporting this project and especially to the Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association for working with the trust to secure this land for the community.

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